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TV > Can Nonprofit Save the Swedish Welfare Model? > Del 2 – The UK experience and the Future

Can Nonprofit Save the Swedish Welfare Model?

Del 2 – The UK experience and the Future

Del 2 av 3. Seminarium på engelska från november 2012. Talare: James Rees: The voluntary sector delivering public services in the UK - standard practice, successes, and emerging threats, Duncan O´Leary: From public sector to public services - the British context. Moderator Ulf Wickbom.

Sweden has a relatively small service-producing, nonprofit sector. However, in the wake of the radical reforms of the Swedish welfare state a new market for providers of education, healthcare and elderly care has emerged. Thus a need for a deeper understanding of the role of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector – past, present, future – in Sweden has been created.

Del 2 – The UK experience and the Future

Can Nonprofit Save the Swedish Welfare Model?

Del 2 av 3. Seminarium på engelska från november 2012. Talare: James Rees: The voluntary sector delivering public services in the UK - standard practice, successes, and emerging threats, Duncan O´Leary: From public sector to public services - the British context. Moderator Ulf Wickbom.

Sweden has a relatively small service-producing, nonprofit sector. However, in the wake of the radical reforms of the Swedish welfare state a new market for providers of education, healthcare and elderly care has emerged. Thus a need for a deeper understanding of the role of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector – past, present, future – in Sweden has been created.

Publicerat 21 nov, 2012
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