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TV > Roots of Violence > Del 1 – Violence in Religion and Art

Roots of Violence

Del 1 – Violence in Religion and Art

Del 1 av 5. Deltagare: Mark Juergensmeyer - Religious Roots of Violence, Malise Ruthven - Visions of Apocalypse: Our Need of Violent Endings, Wolfgang Palaver - From Oedipus to Dag Hammarskjöld: On the Complex Relationship Between Religion, Violence and Sacrifice, Sudhir Kakar - Religious Violence: Hindus and Muslims in India.

Seminarium från Engelsbergs herrgård, april 2012. Moderator är Ulf Wickbom. Samtliga delar sänds på engelska, utan svensk text.

Del 1 – Violence in Religion and Art

Roots of Violence

Del 1 av 5. Deltagare: Mark Juergensmeyer - Religious Roots of Violence, Malise Ruthven - Visions of Apocalypse: Our Need of Violent Endings, Wolfgang Palaver - From Oedipus to Dag Hammarskjöld: On the Complex Relationship Between Religion, Violence and Sacrifice, Sudhir Kakar - Religious Violence: Hindus and Muslims in India.

Seminarium från Engelsbergs herrgård, april 2012. Moderator är Ulf Wickbom. Samtliga delar sänds på engelska, utan svensk text.

Publicerat 21 maj, 2012
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