TV > Sir William Chambers: A Tercentenary Celebration

Sir William Chambers: A Tercentenary Celebration

1723 döptes William Chambers i Göteborg. Han kom att bli en av de viktigaste arkitekterna i dåtidens Storbritannien, med influenser från såväl Kina som Frankrike.

Detta seminarium från Engelsbergs bruk den 17 april 2023 ger ett nutida perspektiv på hans arv.

Sir William Chambers: A Tercentenary Celebration

1723 döptes William Chambers i Göteborg. Han kom att bli en av de viktigaste arkitekterna i dåtidens Storbritannien, med influenser från såväl Kina som Frankrike.

Detta seminarium från Engelsbergs bruk den 17 april 2023 ger ett nutida perspektiv på hans arv.

Publicerat 02 maj, 2023

Del 4 av 4: Legacies

Talare: Sigrid de Jong - The Aspiring Professor: William Chambers as a Teacher of Architecture, Joanna Tinworth - Connected Careers: Sir William Chambers, the Consummate Professional Architect, his legacy and influence on Sir John Soane, Kerstin Barup - Why Chambers Is Important for Us to Study Today: A Personal View, Michael Snodin - Closing remarks on Chambers scholarship. Moderator: Christine Casey.
Arkitektur 02 maj, 2023

Del 3 av 4: Empire and Revolution

Talare: Max Bryant - Civility, Civilization and the Civil Architecture of William Chambers, Felix Martin - Chambers in Dublin: A Distinct Architectural Approach for the Second City of the Empire, Yue Zhuang - William Chambers’ Dissertation on Oriental Gardening (1772): Shaping the Virtus of Empire. Moderator: Christine Casey.
Arkitektur 02 maj, 2023

Del 2 av 4: Designing A New Era for the British Monarchy

Talare: Tim Knox - The Gold State Coach: Roman Baroque for a British Monarch, Charles Saumarez Smith - William Chambers and the Establishment of the Royal Academy, Wolf Burchard - Chambers’ Royal Commissions in the era of the Declaration of Independence. Moderator: Christine Casey.
Arkitektur 02 maj, 2023

Del 1 av 4: International Inspirations

Talare: Magnus Olausson - A Swede among Swedes: Chambers in Continental Europe, Lars Ljungström - At the Crossroads: Chambers’ Encounter with Avant-Garde Neoclassicism, Iris Moon - William Chambers Inside: The Canton Interior in the Designs of Chinese Buildings (1757). Moderator: Christine Casey.
Arkitektur 02 maj, 2023